Hello and welcome to the Legion of Doomed Husbands Blog! The Legion of Doomed Husbands is a Warhammer Fantasy Battle and Warhammer 40K gaming group based in Cypress, Texas (with an Austin satellite). Why the Legion of Doomed Husbands? Well for one it sounds mildly scary, especially if you just read the first bit. But also, all the members of the Legion of Doomed Husbands are husbands and we are all doomed by a growing addiction to tiny plastic men worth more than their weight in gold (and thereby doomed to be mocked by our wives for "playing with dolls"). So it's not just a catchy moniker.
I've wanted to start a blog ever since we got into the hobby about a year ago. I thought it would be a fun way for us to share our heroic miniature exploits with others so that we don't have to endure their rolling of eyes in a face-to-face situation. I hope to use this blog to post army updates, battle reports, painting tips, and various other Warhammer related miscellanea.
So who are the Legion of Doomed Husbands? Well there is me, Brandon, your humble guide through these various misadventures. I am currently playing a Blood Angels army in 40K and have just started an Empire army in Fantasy. Joining me on the blog is my brother Cam, our Austin outcast, who plays an effeminate but feisty Eldar army in 40K and a newly started Skaven army in Fantasy. Next we have Chris who plays Chaos Space Marines and is starting a High Elf army. Last, and possibly least, depending on whether or not I like him at any given moment, we have Justin, the proud owner of a ramshackle Ork horde and recent devotee to the Warriors of Chaos.
You may have noticed that we all are currently in the beginning stages of collecting a Fantasy army. With the release of 8th edition this summer, we thought it would be a great time to jump right in to "the thinking man's Warhammer." Encouraged by the recent "Tale of Four Gamers" feature on the Games Workshop website, we decided to hold our own Tale of Four Gamers challenge. And thus was born The Legion of Doomed Husbands First Annual Warhammer Fantasy Battle Tale of Four Gamers, or TLoDHFAWHFBToFG for short.
Stay tuned for more upcoming posts on the TLoDHFA... you get the idea. The first challenge is coming to an end this Saturday so I'll be posting pictures from each contestant showing their entries in various stages of the process. I'll also have a post detailing the rules of the contest and the particulars of this month's challenge.
(This space left intentionally blank until I come up with an award-winning catchphrase)
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