
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Elvish Trickery

Today Chris sent me a couple photos of his WIP Althran model for the GW painting competition.  He is following the instructions from the Althran Masterclass in one of the recent issues of White Dwarf, so check it out and see whether or not Chris has true 'Eavy Metal quality.

Chris was looking forward to trying his hand at the cloak, as it wasn't something he had done before.  Looks pretty good I would say.  The highlights are a little too subtle in my opinion, but that is completely subjective and it could look much different in person anyway.  The gold is looking good, the colored washes in the recesses really helps to bring out a rich gold color.

I really am not a fan of painting over white primer.  I always manage to have spots in the recesses that don't get covered and become glaringly obvious because of the white undercoat.  You also can't leave a gap between sections of different colors for a kind of poor-man's black lining.  Of course, having two armies whose primary colors are red and yellow means painting over black can be a real beating.  In the end, I usually choose the white undercoat and try to scour the model after basecoating looking for white spots because it's just so much easier get that basecoat on.

I painted some more last night and got most of Astorath's axe painted and all of the scrolls and parchment basecoated.  I'm going to have to re-do the axe blade, as I tried to get a little too ambitious with it and failed quite hard.  I'll have some pictures at the end of this week.



  1. They might seem subtle because currently there are no highlights on the cloak yet. :) It's basically just the mid tone and a darker layer. Next step is to start working up to the highlight. It took a few coats just to get the blue a solid color and im still going back and fixing the darker colors in the recesses.

  2. must have been your bad photography causing light reflections to look like weak ass highlights then.

  3. Hey I never said I was a photographer. I have also never said i was painter either though...
