
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tale of Four Gamers - Challenge 1: Empire

Well, the deadline has come and gone and Challenge 1 of the LoDH Tale of Four Gamers has come to an end.  I'll be posting updates on everyone's finished (or perhaps unfinished!) models and then I'll have a wrap-up post with some final comments and the scoring for Challenge 1.  Only Justin has yet to turn in his pictures, although he assures me has has taken said pictures and only has to find the cord to connect his camera to the computer in order to send them to me.  A likely excuse, Justin!  I should have expected as much from a well known ne'er-do-well such as him.

I don't have much of an update for my Captain of the Empire, as he was pretty well finished earlier this month.  I did, however, finish basing him- my first model ever to have paint on it's base!

I had a bit of a rough time with the lighting while taking these pictures.  I'm not an experienced photographer by any stretch of the imagination, so I apologize if the details aren't as clear as they might possibly be.

Here is my finished General of the Empire on warhorse, a model I am pretty proud of.  For his armor, I tried a bit of a NMM effect while using metallic paint, so it's really metallic-non-metallic metal.  Weird, I know.  I think it worked out pretty well, although I'm afraid the pictures don't show it as well as they could.  I used a base of Chaos Black and Boltgun Metal and then layered it by adding in amounts of Mithril Silver until I was using pure Mithril.  I think it looks great in person and has exactly the high-polished look that I think a General of the Empire, especially one from Averland, should have.

This angle doesn't show off much of the armor, but I wanted to show off the cloak which I was also proud of as it required many, many layers of yellow to paint.  It's not Golden Demon quality, but I was concerned that I didn't have enough yellow in the model to really scream out "Averland!" and the cloak took the model all the way up to 11 (which, as the great philosopher Nigel Tufnel points out, is one more than 10).

There you have it- Challenge 1 completed!  I'll have another picture of both models included in my forthcoming wrap-up post.


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