
Friday, September 10, 2010

Tale of Four Gamers - Challenge 2

Well we successfully put month 1 of the ToFG competition behind us, and now it is on to the second challenge full steam ahead.  This month, we have elected to set the following rules for Challenge #2:

This challenge is worth 40 points total.
Fully assemble and paint one unit of troops from the Core section of your army book.
There are no painting quality points in this challenge (as of now), this is strictly a "get 'er done" challenge.
Deductions for non-completed models will be taken on a points/model basis.
The unit must contain a full command section, as listed in the army book.
The deadline for this challenge is October 9th.

This challenge will be a little more work, with 10 or more models to paint rather than 2, but there is less emphasis on the painting itself so hopefully people will be able to crank them out.  This is always a fluid process, as this is the first time any of us has ever done anything like this so the rules are always subject to change.

The selections for this challenge, as I understand it, are:

Brandon- Swordsmen
Chris- Lothern Sea Guard
Justin- Chaos Warriors
Cam- Clanrats

Here is a sneak peak at my Swordsmen, ready for primer:

We'll have some more WIP shots as the challenge progresses through the month.  This month I'll also be putting up some photos of our 40K armies as well, so it wont be all ToFG all the time.


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